• October 03, 2023
  • 01 min read

Internet of Things workshop at SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, Karukutty

The Riglabs Collective, in collaboration with the ICT Academy of Kerala, recently hosted an electrifying Hands-on Workshop on the Internet of Things (IoT) at the SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, Karukutty. Spanning over three days—October 3rd, 6th, and 10th, 2023—the event was a resounding success, drawing in a total of 83 enthusiastic students across three batches. Participants delved into the world of IoT, gaining practical experience and insights that are sure to fuel their future innovations.

The workshop was not just an educational summit; it was a beacon of inspiration. Each day was meticulously crafted to ensure that students not only learned but also applied their newfound knowledge, creating a vibrant atmosphere of creativity and technological exploration. The event concluded with students showcasing their projects, a testament to the effective learning and mentorship provided by the Riglabs Collective and the ICT Academy of Kerala. This event has truly set a benchmark for future workshops, leaving participants eager for more.