• November 21, 2023
  • 01 min read

Ideathon at Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagaroor

We had a blast at the Ideathon - Ideation Hackathon, organized by Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagaroor on November 21, 2023.

It was a one-day event where 40 students showcased their innovative ideas and solutions for various challenges in the fields of education, health, environment, and social impact. We, team riglabs collective, a leading platform for skill development and upskilling in technology, were honored to be a part of the panel and the event partner.

We were amazed by the creativity, passion, and talent of the participants, who came up with some brilliant prototypes and pitches. We would like to congratulate the winners and all the participants for their hard work and enthusiasm. We hope this event inspired you to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams and make a positive difference in the world.

Thank you Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagaroor for hosting this wonderful event and inviting us to be a part of it. We look forward to more collaborations and opportunities in the future.